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Pipeline Transport in France - Market Size, Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecasts (2025-2029)





Past 5-Year Growth









Pipeline Transport in France industry analysis

The French pipeline transport industry has long played a crucial role in the country's energy infrastructure, enabling efficient and environmentally friendly oil and gas transport. The extensive networks managed by operators such as GRTgaz, Teréga, TRAPIL and SPMR have been instrumental in ensuring energy security, reducing reliance on road and rail transport and connecting key energy centres, ports and storage facilities. In the past, these pipelines have not only supported domestic supply chains, but have also linked France with key European neighbours, promoting cross-border energy flows and strengthening the country's energy security.
Over the five years through 2025, industry revenue is expected to sink at a compound annual rate of 3.2% to €2.8 billion. IBISWorld expects the industry's revenue to drop by 3% in 2025. In recent years, the French pipeline transport industry has changed significantly due to geopolitical dynamics and a strategic shift towards sustainable energy practices. The advent of alternative energy sources and the influence of high prices have led to a noticeable slump in traditional gas consumption. A milder climate, improved energy-saving behaviour among consumers and a rebound in nuclear energy production have also left their imprint. This shift is accompanied by growing investment in hydrogen infrastructure and renewable energy projects, reflecting an adjustment to the evolving energy landscape and a commitment to reducing carbon dependence.
Looking ahead, the French pipeline industry is poised to make a leap forward in its transition towards sustainable energy solutions, with a focus on expanding biomethane production and integrating hydrogen infrastructure. Ambitious government-backed initiatives aim to boost renewable gas consumption and support hydrogen projects at national and European levels. Industry players are adapting by modernising infrastructure, promoting international cooperation and capitalising on partnerships with global energy producers. These strategies underpin France's ambition to take a leading role in the emerging hydrogen economy and to meet future energy demand sustainably. Over the five years through 2030, revenue is projected to swell at a compound annual rate of 0.1% to €2.8 billion.

Trends and Insights

  • National monopolies dominate European gas transportation. Enagás (Spain), Fluxys (Belgium), GRTgaz (France) and Snam (Italy) are EU’s four most giant gas transporters (TSOs), owning more than half of the EU’s liquid national gas (LNG) terminals and over 100,000km of pipeline.
  • Europe's supply of natural gas slows. Europe's natural gas supply tanked over 2022 and 2023 as Russia restricted its supply into Europe following sanctions, though a limited supply has driven up tariff prices.
  • Regional monopolies dominate market share. The complex infrastructure of long-distance pipeline transport dictates that a limited number of pipeline companies is more efficient than a host of companies in charge of the network.
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Top Questions Answered in this Report

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What is the market size of the Pipeline Transport industry in France in 2025?

The market size of the Pipeline Transport industry in France is €2.8bn in 2025.

How many businesses are there in the Pipeline Transport in France industry in 2025?

There are 35 businesses in the Pipeline Transport industry in France, which has declined at a CAGR of 0.6 % between 2020 and 2025.

Has the Pipeline Transport industry in France grown or declined over the past 5 years?

The market size of the Pipeline Transport industry in France has been declining at a CAGR of 3.2 % between 2020 and 2025.

What is the forecast growth of the Pipeline Transport industry in France over the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, the Pipeline Transport industry in France is expected to grow.

What are the biggest companies in the Pipeline Transport market in France?

The biggest companies operating in the Pipeline Transport market in France are GRTgaz SA, Terega SA and Societe des Transports Petroliers par Pipelines a Pisto SAS

What does the Pipeline Transport in France include?

Natural gas and Crude oil and petroleum products are part of the Pipeline Transport industry.

Which companies have the highest market share in the Pipeline Transport in France?

The company holding the most market share in France is GRTgaz SA.

How competitive is the Pipeline Transport industry in France?

The level of competition is low and steady in the Pipeline Transport industry in France.

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Table of Contents

External Environment


  • Regulation & Policy
  • Assistance

Key Takeaways

Gas pipeline transporters must comply with EU regulations. The 2009 Gas Directive to gas pipelines between the EU (EU) and third countries ensures member states cooperate with third countries to ensure full compliance with EU rules.

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External Drivers


What demographic and macroeconomic factors impact the Pipeline Transport in France industry?

Financial Benchmarks


  • Profit Margin
  • Average Wage
  • Largest Cost

Key Takeaways

Regional monopolies generate high profitability, enabling infrastructure upgrades. The industry has a high margin, typically above 25%, because of its monopolistic and regulated nature and the need for significant capital investment. Regional monopolies have complete control over national pipeline networks.

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Cost Structure

  • Share of Economy vs. Investment Matrix
  • Industry Cost Structure Benchmarks:
    • Marketing
    • Depreciation
    • Profit
    • Purchases
    • Wages
    • Rent
    • Utilities
    • Other

What trends impact cost in the Pipeline Transport in France industry?

Key Ratios

Data tables
  • IVA/Revenue (2015-2030)
  • Imports/Demand (2015-2030)
  • Exports/Revenue (2015-2030)
  • Revenue per Employee (2015-2030)
  • Wages/Revenue (2015-2030)
  • Employees per Establishment (2015-2030)
  • Average Wage (2015-2030)

Country Benchmarks

European Leaders & Laggards

Data Tables

Top and bottom five countries listed for each:

  • Revenue Growth (2025)
  • Business Growth (2025)
  • Job Growth (2025)

European Country Performance

Data Tables

Rankings available for 37 countries. Statistics ranked include:

  • IVA/Revenue (2025)
  • Imports/Demand (2025)
  • Exports/Revenue (2025)
  • Revenue per Employee (2025)
  • Wages/Revenue (2025)
  • Employees per Establishment (2025)
  • Average Wage (2025)

Structural Comparison

Data Tables

Trends in 37 countries benchmarked against trends in Europe

  • Concentration
  • Competition
  • Barriers to Entry
  • Buyer Power
  • Supplier Power
  • Volatility
  • Capital Intensity
  • Innovation
  • Life Cycle

Key Statistics

Industry Data

Data Tables

Including values and annual change:

  • Revenue (2015-2030)
  • IVA (2015-2030)
  • Establishments (2015-2030)
  • Enterprises (2015-2030)
  • Employment (2015-2030)
  • Exports (2015-2030)
  • Imports (2015-2030)
  • Wages (2015-2030)


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